Heure : 26 novembre 2010 de 15:30 à 17:00
Emplacement : Université McGill
Rue : 3655 Promenade Sir William Osler
Ville : Montréal
Site Web ou carte : http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=…
Type d'événement : conférence
Organisé par : Université McGill
Activité la plus récente : 22 nov. 2010
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Title: "From Aristotle to the Arctic: Adventures in Deafness and Disability."
James C. MacDougall, Ph.D., C.M.
Department of Psychology, McGill University
Canadian Deafness Research and Training Institute
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Of all of the sensory, physical and mental disabilities, deafness stands alone as the most misunderstood. In this lecture I unravel some of the reasons for this unique situation in the context of 40 years of research, teaching, administration and advocacy in the field. I focus on controversial communication issues involving speech, hearing, sign language and literacy. One question concerning the relationship between language and thought – in connection with full access to the justice system for deaf people – has been a major preoccupation of mine for the past 15 years. I have been involved in a number of court cases involving deaf people who, in spite of having no known mental disorder, cannot speak, read or write or use standard ASL to communicate. Sorting out this complex legal situation involves confronting deep questions about the nature of language and its relationship to cognitive and intellectual processes. My work in this area began with the highly publicized Roy (1994) case in Nova Scotia and led to adventures and misadventures involving communication and sign language on the Arctic tundra in Nunavut. The highlight of the northern work is my recent “discovery” of Inuit Sign Language (ISL). Finally, I point to some of the promising new developments in the field such as the Cochlear Implant and emerging telecommunication technologies which allow for both text and sign language communication over the internet.
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